Previous Chapters
Want a taste of what's come before? You can take a look at other projects I've worked on here!

Game Designer and Narrative Developer for
The Shroud of Yavanna
An interactive adventure premiered at Literary Adventures in downtown Waynesville Ohio, facilitated by Roll Your Destiny. In this quest, the elves of Lothlórien seek the aid of noble-hearted heroes to retrieve the golden leaves of the Shroud of Yavanna, ripped from the blessed cloak and strewn across Middle Earth during an orcish assault in the time of the War of the Ring. This experience involved the participation of local vendors and LARP groups, each of whom required questers to prove their virtue by completing challenges to claim the golden leaves. At the end of the journey, participants returned to Lórien to affix their leaves to the Shroud once more, contributing to a communal art piece with the spoils of their success.

Editor for APEX Singularity
APEX Singularity is a one-shot heist adventure for CY_BORG, a cyberpunk doomsday RPG compatible with and inspired by MÖRK BORG. In this adventure, the PCs take on the dangerous job of retrieving the "first true AI" for an anonymous group known as the [dve]RGR_13 H4X0r|<0LEKTIV. They'll face adversity at every turn, from gang members that crawl the streets to corporate shills cowering behind technological murder bots. When your "hero" is little more than a cog in a corrupted machine, and credits are the only thing that make life worth living, what will you do to make certain you come out on top?

Game Designer and Narrative Developer for
Signals from Tasmata
The second annual Roll Your Destiny game, premiered at the Ohio Renaissance Festival! This game required players to decipher fragmented messages from Meridian Alliance agents gone missing on the water-flooded world of Tasmata. Participants traveled to three stations across the festival grounds that each held a piece of the solution to the puzzle of where the agents had been shipwrecked. Featuring 3 custom props, 2 NPC actors, and an original storyline!

Lead Writer and Editor for Coming Out of Mimiclandia
In partnership with my friends at Litlcord, Coming Out of Mimiclandia is my first published adventure for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. Adventurers will explore not just the bizarre and wonderful Plane of Mimics, but also their own identities and self-expression as they help teach their baby mimic companions what it means to find your truest self!

Game Designer and Narrative Developer for
The Spirit of the Shale
An explorative quest game, facilitated by Roll Your Destiny and premiered at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival, where it was enjoyed by players of all ages! The Spirit of the Shale featured 5 unique puzzles with interactive props, vendor participation, and a final encounter with the Spirit itself! Guest traveled through Covington Glen and crafted their own handheld charms throughout the adventure, which were used to channel the power of the Spirit and send it back home at the end of their experience.

Editor for The House Under the Moondial
An adventure for Old School Essentials, The House Under the Moondial is inspired by "the three modern fairy-tale classics" of The Wizard of Oz, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (and Through the Looking Glass) and Peter Pan. Players must aid a small town from falling victim to a witch hunt and a terrible fae-magic threat by rekindling the old fae faith among its people and preventing them from succumbing to the Moondial Curse. Filled with whimsy, childhood wonder, and beautiful words, this adventure allows players to live their own grown-up (and grown-down) fairy tale.

Editor for Gothic Society: Monastery
A supplement for Good Society and a Penned to Good Society expansion, Gothic Society, Gothic Society: Monastery provides Good Society players with a playset that explores themes of gothic horror in a monastic setting. Bring your own medieval monastic order to life and investigate the peculiar happenings disturbing the sanctity of your home. Inspired by stories like The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Name of the Rose, this playset promises to help you and your table create a unique and engaging period piece.

Editor, Cowriter, and Codesigner for Mimicnomicon: Kitchens & Taverns
Mimics around every corner! The mimics in this 5e-compatible packet are designed for use in kitchens and taverns from medieval to modern and beyond. With unique descriptions, abilities, and features for each mimic, you'll be hungry for more. More packets will be released quarterly from Litlcord. Ready for your first bite?

Game Designer and Narrative Developer for
The Theurgists' Vault and the The Adventure Pack
Two immersive games, facilitated by Roll of Destiny and experienced by players of all ages at the Ohio Renaissance Festival for the first time! The Theurgists' Vault featured 7 different unique puzzles, 4 interactive props, and 3 encounters with NPCs—think of it like solving escape room puzzles while exploring the Faire!
The Adventure Pack allowed guests to roll objectives to complete throughout their visit, adding a new sense of purpose and excitement to the prospect of planning a day at the Faire.

Contributing Editor for Heart of Darkness
Explore the shadowed continent of Varris in Viktor Sych's campaign for 5th Edition D&D. Sitri the Exile, an archfiend with a thirst for power, has bound the angel Lehani to his will, and the divine order shudders in the aftermath. A group of unlikely heroes, trapped in a pact with this fiend, must take a stand against him before chaos engulfs the world, and all hope is lost.

Editor and Codesigner for Overpowered
This game transforms any tabletop roleplaying game adventure that uses maps and math into a solo strategy game. Technical Grimoire and I have created a one-page ruleset that will lead to hours of entertainment. Use the free web app to play, then show off your high score when you're done. Achieve a top-three score in our monthly challenge runs and become a grand prize winner!

Editor for Bridgetown
A wacky and wonderful setting for Troika, or any tabletop game. Featuring an endless bridge, characters filled with wit and whimsy, and tables upon tables of shenanigans. If you like fractured fairy tales or the silliness of Dr. Seuss, this one's for you!

Game Designer and Narrative Developer for
A Festival of Fae
The flagship event of Roll of Destiny, a start-up company with the goal of bringing narrative-driven, immersive game experiences to Renaissance Festivals! This one-day game, written and developed by me featured 20 different puzzles, 6 volunteer-led stations, and at least 3 weeks of research to squeeze in as many allusions to traditional Celtic folklore as possible!